Resume/Career Books

You need a job.

You know you are qualified.

But no response. Why?

If you follow standard resume advice, it’s probably not HR, AI, or ATS filtering you out. It is probably how you describe your experiences that is causing the hiring manager to reject you.

So, what’s wrong?

The problem is that companies get many resumes showing the exact same thing. Most folks list the tasks but don’t 2Q (quantify or qualify) what they list. They mention the required skill but do not share how they used it.

For example, the position needs to resolve at least ten tickets a day. You and most of your competition list you resolve tickets. Just that you resolve tickets.

Who to pick?

Most managers don’t have time to call to determine who has met the threshold. Chances are a few have 2Q’d their resume. If they match the requirements, they get the interview.

Which would you prefer?

Be part of the pile that looks the same, and hope the manager picks you, OR…

Stand out from the crowd by 2Q’in your resume?

Learn how to create resume statements that show results and give hiring managers a chance to see you working in their environment. This book also offers ways to use AI to help evaluate your resume. Because standing out from the crowd is how you get interviews!

Get it now!