
For those that might be interested in this type of thingy...................

Historical Fantasy

Release 2014.

This is my first novel. It is a 'what-if' story about the downfall of Atlantis, seen from the pov of Risor. This story was interweaved into The Doom of the Gods series after I tried to make a movie script of it and made many changes to the underlying story.

Removed from sales in 2023.

Book cover of historical fiction/fantasy novel about Atlantis.
Book cover of historical fiction/fantasy novel about Atlantis.
Resume Writing

Release 2019.

After helping quite a few friends with their resumes and having decent luck getting new jobs, I decided to write a book to help others. Reluctantly, I did not do a good job of marketing. This will be updated with my new resume writing book, which also includes AI prompts to use to check your resume.

It is still available in some retail stores but will be removed when the next resume book is released.

Click to find on Amazon

Created Publishing Company

Established 2020.

Created a Singaporean publishing company called Yumebook Entertainment to publish children's books. I gathered a group of artists (four) and translators (twelve languages) to put together the stories I initially conceived.

Closed 2023. We published one ebook and had two more near completion but I did not have time or knowledge to market it. My day job capitalized my life, and I could not justify the business running costs with the efforts I was putting into it.

Not a failure but a learning experience.

Children's book

Released 2021 under Yumebook Entertainment.

Illustrated by Mai Natsume. Released in ebook format only. A lesson in how to treat others. As mentioned above, did not market well. Released in seven languages. Will only re-release in English - at least, initially.

I am modifying the publisher, front and back matter, and releasing in ebook and physical copy. When ready to release, we will remove the Yumebook copies.

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Historical Fantasy

Published June 14, 2024.

This is Book One of The Doom of the Gods series. This series is the result of the movie script and storylines that I planned for The Wall of Destruction, which I published in 2014. In 2014, I planned to release other books around different POVs of Atlantis's downfall, but when I crafted the movie storyline, I combined different character stories, intertwining them into this new story.

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And the story continues...